Feeling a little awkward when there is a guy behind us at the counter. A bit embarrassed when we have to use the restroom in order to change. A small hesitation when our friend asks one.
Should I give her my bag?
Maybe the small purse where I keep it or just hand it over in plain sight?
We end up giving it to her under the table as something illegal.
However, it goes without saying that every public restroom should be properly equipped.
The word pad alone is, well to be exact was, a taboo. We don’t pronounce it without some awkwardness, let alone when being out in the open.
As women we know pretty well that is something absolutely normal, but each time we demonstrate guilt.
That guilt has its roots way back. It started with the belief that because of the period, women for some days every month are in a cognitive and emotional imbalance.
Therefore, they are not allowed to vote. Then, we continue with the Orthodox Church which considers women in period too impure to commune.
At our work we don’t dare to ask for some days off because of fear that in the best case scenario we will be considered as weak, whereas in other cases our employer and colleagues might mock us.
Now, as far as sex is concerned, we might be lucky enough and our lover won’t have a problem, otherwise some women may change their cycle according to their lover’s needs or they may feel guilty so they think it’s their obligation to satisfy their companion.
Also, don’t forget that not until 2017 the first ad was broadcasted, in which the liquid had the normal red color instead of that blue.
Our period, let’s finally call it by its name, happens to us every month. Despite what the patriarchic society believes, it isn’t something dirty. On the contrary it represents health. The woman body has the image of romance, reproduction, pleasure, but with great difficulty it is depicted in a realistic way. We may watch movies with violence and blood but never a picture of a stained clothe.
The moment we women get rid of our guilt and beliefs, we realize that nothing bad is happening to us and nothing against nature.
Then we can communicate our needs better and demand the respect and acknowledgement.
The fact is that for some days every month our daily routine changes. For some women it changes a lot, for others not that much.
Each woman though has to deal with her own demons. From cramps and pains to disrespectful looks.
That’s why we ask for patience and understanding.
We owe it to ourselves and then the society will follow.