
From a young age, everyone was telling me that there is no friendship between women. We are so competitive that it is hard for us to support each other.

The truth is that until I made my first female friendships, I truly believed that, so I couldn’t trust easily.
But as I grew older, when I realized that I have so many thoughts, feelings, and even insecurities to share with them, that’s when I met my true friends.

I have known the women of my life for decades now. One’s birthday is the milestone of another. The relationships have definitely changed. Some of them have grown and others have gone. But the ones that are gone don’t negate the ones that remain.

I admit it; it’s difficult to create a female friendship. You have to set some informal rules from the beginning.  Like all relationships, it needs everyday effort and setting aside your egoism. But over the years I see that we really support each other. We protect each other.
We started from one end, each one on her own. Then we traveled to the other end, all of us against the whole world.Now I finally feel that we are striking a balance between these two.

Together as a fist, we see the pain and run to help. Pain in any form, in any gender, with a clearer eye. With the power of anger and the calm of consciousness.

After all, we know what pain is. We feel it every month with our period and furthermore, our bodies are built to feel the pain of childbirth. We can see it in every manifestation and empathize with it.

A necessary characteristic of the human being.

How many issues would have been resolved, how many wars would have been avoided.

However, I believe that this trait is more intense in a woman’s nature. Let’s go back to the cave age. The man was the one leaving the place and going hunting, fighting monsters and the women would stay behind to take care of the home. Women were the ones who observed.

They observed nature, its changes, its offerings. They were the ones who sat quietly and listened. We are the ones who receive, welcome, insist.

In any war, it is the women who form the team, who receive and welcome; physically talking too. We are the ones who offer first aid, a hot plate of food, or even a sewn sock.

I will not talk about specific movements or specific cases.
I will only dwell on the fact that we are finally speaking.

The fact that last night I was running around with my keys clutched in my fist until I got into my house, it is no longer my shame and weakness. It is not something I will hide, but something I will share with courage and stature.

I now feel free to ask for help.
Our soul palpitates every time one of us claims, but claims with a sense of justice.
After all, what’s the point of reclaiming something in the exact same way I lost it?

I hope for an ideal society in which female solidarity is created for the sake of improvement and development.
A society where we can sit quietly around the fire again, tending it and listening to each other.