
During holidays, many of us will attend at least one family dinner.
Although we will go with our best mood and with the promise to ourselves that we won’t let anyone make us feel sad, eventually we may end up apologizing for the things we have done, or better yet haven’t done the passing year.

A table full of Christmas delicacies, plenty of wine and each member of the family seated on his standard place.

At the beginning there is always a general conversation. But then, magically it will be about the kilos that we have gained, to the companion that hasn’t come yet or about the fact that we don’t have any kids and we must be feeling lonely. Then, it will be about what we do for a living, and it will get worse if they don’t understand our job or they consider it a hobby.

So, while we are focusing on the Christmas sweets, we are trying to find an answer.
Well, we don’t have to answer any of these questions!
We have the full responsibility of our life and only we know how the passing year was. Our value is only determined from us and not through other people’s opinion. No one will ever understand us completely, since they listen to us through their own filters – if they are indeed listening to us.

We are aware that every time we use the top of our abilities and the best of our knowledge. There is no reason to give explanations and excuses. We need to give explanations only to ourselves in order to find any weaknesses and become better in the future.

Guilt is of no use. Even though we might regret for the paths that we have taken or not, we don’t have to be obsessive about it. We are being aware of them and then we move on.

Let’s listen carefully to what our family has to say, but the fact that we understand them doesn’t mean that we accept them at the same time. The fact that we are trying to accept the other person, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t put any boundaries. There is no point in trying to prove that we are not elephants, but it’s necessary to say “no” to words that hurt us. No, we are not exaggerating; each and every one has different limits. If something hurts us, then that’s our truth.

Let’s head to our festivities with our best mood and energy and then we will attract optimistic and happy people. If we see that the conversation goes to topics that we know that will cause fraction, then we will wear our brightest smile and our best “no” and we will put ourselves above everything and everyone.

After all, situations like these might actually be necessary…