Every time the year ends we cannot wait to get rid of all the things that we have done or not done and start all over again.
We set new goals, we create new desires, we give ourselves the promise that this time we will succeed, only to end up in disappointment, because in the end we didn’t fulfill any of these, or maybe we managed only half of them.
So this time let’s do something different. Instead of stressing ourselves out with new goals, let’s love it for all those things that managed to do during the passing year.
Instead of doing a “to do list”, let’s enumerate all those things that we are grateful for.
We don’t have to throw off everything that has brought us here. For the first time let’s acknowledge them and embrace them with tenderness.
It’s good to have new goals and surely the beginning of a new year gives the right motive, but if we don’t analyze the things that happened and those that didn’t, then most likely we will end up doing the same. The only way to go forward is to go a little bit backwards first.
Which are those beliefs we are carrying? Don’t be afraid to look inside you and wonder what we believe about you. Why did we never go on that date? Why did we never send that CV? We are afraid of failure or better yet success.
After going to the past, now we can come to the present and love ourselves. Accept us with all our mistakes, our insecurities, all our feelings and logical conclusions. All those things that make us keep up with this whole year, which by the way wasn’t an easy one. It’s not useful to find mistakes in everything we do. If we don’t support us, then who is going to do it for us? We should talk to ourselves the same way we would talk to our best friend.
After analyzing all that, then we can finally look towards the future. We can create an everyday life with new ideals and new beliefs. We can set small goals but also those that we never believe will come true.
Let’s not forget that the universe is endless and so are its potentials.
Every day is a second chance. Even though some things are not happening, we don’t have to wait for New Year’s to start over, tomorrow’s dawn is enough. Many things can happen in a day, we were born in a day.
Let’s enjoy the changing of the year without pressure and suppression.
Let’s take the momentum of the new and change the conditions we wish for.
Consciously and step by step we can lead ourselves to the purpose we have chosen, without feeling guilty if this purpose changes in the meantime.
We should adapt to any change the New Year and our choices will bring.
If there is one thing that this year should teach us is acceptance.
We ought to accept people and their choices.