
As years pass by, many changes occur to the human body.
Some of these changes are apparent ; like wrinkles, stretch marks, white hair… Οthers on the other hand are not.
That kind of change is menopause. However, the pause of period doesn’t mean the pause of love towards our body.

Menopause’s symptoms are many and different for each woman, and they can really cause problems in everyday life.
To mention only a few of them, trouble sleeping, the heat and night sweat, are symptoms that don’t allow us to rest and as a result the next day we don’t have the necessary stamina.
Doctors are the most suitable to give solutions and treatment to these symptoms. If those symptoms are persistent, the best thing to do is to visit a doctor in order to offer you the necessary treatment.

What should we do then about the psychological aspect? How can we love a body that is no longer the same?
Most people would say with understanding and patience. It is really hard though to show understanding while at the same time we are experiencing the menopause.
That’s why the best thing to do is to be psychologically ready way before this will happen. We know from really early that our body will have to go through that stage. It’s an unavoidable change. The only clues that we don’t have is at what age it will appear and what kind of symptoms we would have, if any.

I won’t say that we have to love our body, but that we should start loving ourselves. Loving and accepting ourselves no matter what is really difficult, but it liberates us from many things and eventually is for our own good. Either we are young and we stay up until early morning, or we are old and we are getting to bed at eight, we ought to love ourselves.
We must love our first period but also our last, because in that way we will love ourselves unconditionally.

Many times we take our body for granted. It takes us some time to realize that because of that our Soul is on this planet. We start paying attention to it only when it gets easily tired or when it gets sick.
However, the ideal would be to always listen to its needs and to take care of it, as much as we can in that particular moment and as long as we can. We cannot eliminate menopause’s symptoms in a day, but a better way of life, a better diet would lead to a better handling.

We should accept our whole being as early as possible and then we will be able to also accept any difficulty that might appear in the near future or not. We have to understand that whether we are capable or safe it doesn’t depend on the changes that happen to our body. No matter what happens to us physically, psychologically speaking, only the fact that we exist should be enough.
Let’s take menopause as a milestone and not an obstacle.