


The super power hidden in nature.

Have you ever wondered why you feel rejuvenated while being in a forest, next to a river or by the sea? The answer lies in the Anions and their existence in the atmosphere.

Anions are molecules charged with electricity that are suspended in the air and the atmosphere. In nature, they are present in places such as in the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, in discharges of electricity in the air after lightning, in collisions of water with itself, etc. In essence, Anions quietly shape the balance of nature, their contributions felt across the diverse landscapes that make up our environment.

Scientifically proven, exposure to Anions can have spectacular, positive effects on both the human body and mental health. In our body’s intricate symphony, Anions take center stage as essential players, contributing to the balance of electrolytes. Electrolytes, crucial for various physiological functions, work in tandem with Anions to maintain harmony in our internal environment.

Picture your body as a dynamic river of life, where Anions, in combination with the circulatory system choreograph essential functions.

At Bion, we managed to gather all the beneficial qualities of Anions in the specialized strip in the center of each pad, in order to ensure the ultimate period experience for you.

Bion, the only sanitary pads in Greece with Anion Technology, are specially designed to offer you comfort and freedom of movement, making sure that you have a stress-free period.

Embrace your period and leave the rest to us!

Anion Technology

All this magic is captured inside every Bion pad!

Did you know that: Bion is the only brand in Greece using
Anion Technology