Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a disease that more and more women are getting affected by. Scientists think that it might be a matter of diet, heredity, lifestyle, stress and I have even read somewhere that it is a matter of resentment. For some women it might be one of those reasons, for others it might be […]

As years pass by, many changes occur to the human body.Some of these changes are apparent ; like wrinkles, stretch marks, white hair… Οthers on the other hand are not.That kind of change is menopause. However, the pause of period doesn’t mean the pause of love towards our body. Menopause’s symptoms are many and different […]
Love me

Teddy bears, red balloons, flowers and love cards everywhere, Valentine’s Day is here again. Reservations for candlelight dinners, give away nights and presents.However -as I read somewhere, love is not about romantic gestures, it is to be less frightened. It is to heal old wounds and see life differently. It is not unconditional love, but […]
New parents, independent kids

When a five year old boy says to his mom: “no one is your prince”, then we can say that there is still hope and it will come from future generations, from young parents. Parents, who are around their middle thirties to middle forties, are people that are on the verge.They carry their own guilt and […]

During holidays, many of us will attend at least one family dinner.Although we will go with our best mood and with the promise to ourselves that we won’t let anyone make us feel sad, eventually we may end up apologizing for the things we have done, or better yet haven’t done the passing year. A […]
Solidarity and Empathy.

Tradition and religion are sensitive and ambiguous topics. Our beliefs and the fear to go against something that exists for years, lead us to contradictions and misunderstandings. Especially when we are talking about the East and the West world, the gap is immense. However, when some people’s beliefs violate other people’s liberties, then we can […]